
Wren is primarily a house/funky house DJ but also loves to play with other genres like DnB, and experimenting with new genres.
DataBass Beats

A silly toaster with a taste for bangers. Only accepts sourdough bread.

DJ Tsiran

No stranger to the furry rave scene, DJ Tsiran otherwise known as Farin Vikka is an emerging DJ who spins what he calls “Chillout DnB.” His experience as Mischief Manager of i.W.A.I.T. and co-host of Sunday Service allows him to host our events each month.


DJ Otterspace is one funky otter that plays a lot of Nu Disco/House. They are also known to be a bit Genrefluid. They also help run the event OBL (One Bier Later) with the Kingdom. Cheers!

what is music??????

hi I press buttons and play high energy stuff